Monday 19th August 2013

It was fantastic to see the boys and girls back in school on Friday after their summer break. The children looked very smart indeed in their uniforms and lots of them were eager to show off their shiny new shoes! It was a great start to the term, with the children settling in quickly to their new classes. A special ‘well done’ to our new Primary 1’s – they got through their first day like absolute professionals and still had huge smiles on their faces when the bell went at 3 o’clock. Well done to everyone – pupils and staff – for such an enthusiastic, smooth start to the term!

Following on from the letter I sent out on Friday, I’m pleased to inform you that there will be no disruption to the tuck-shop at morning intervals.

Our school community will be celebrating St Bartholomew’s Day this coming Friday (23rd). The whole school will attend Mass at 10.00am in St Bartholomew’s Church and, weather permitting, we will enjoy a picnic together outside later on in the day. A letter providing further information will be sent out tomorrow.

Have a good day, everyone!

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