Greengairs is Great!

    A Community who Gets really into trying
  Respects each other
Enjoys learning
Aspires to be their best
Together is great

Happy      Safe      Achieving      Included

  • Provide a happy and safe learning environment where children’s wellbeing is at the heart of all we do.
  • Provide a varied and challenging curriculum through excellent and innovative teaching and learning that meets the needs of all learners and equips learners with skills to achieve their full potential now and in the future.
  • Celebrate success, promote a ‘can do’ attitude and inspire and include everyone to achieve their best in all they do.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (UNCRC)
Article 3

(best interests of the child)


Article 28

(right to education)


Article 12

(respect for the views of the child)


Article 6

(life, survival and development)


Article 29

(goals of education)