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1+2 Languages

German and Gaelic language learning in Gartcosh Primary School is based on the Scottish government ‘1 + 2 Language Initiative.’ Click on the image below which will take you a link explaining the initiative and also giving some websites to support learning at home.


Fàilte gu Bun Sgoil Gart Cois Norrie

Gartcosh Primary School were delighted to welcome a fabulous musician and native Gaelic speaker, Norrie Maciver,  last week. Norrie was previously the lead singer for Gaelic super- band Mànran and is now the lead singer of another Gaelic band, Skipinnish.

Norrie came to us at part of a workshop run by Fèisgoil, an organisation that promotes the learning of Gaelic in schools across Scotland.  Pupils were able to learn some new vocabulary through games and songs.