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Kerbcraft Training!

North Lanarkshire Council has introduced a Child Pedestrian Training Scheme called Kerbcraft, aimed at primary 1 children to improve their road safety skills. Kerbcraft  involves practical roadside training of  basic skills which have shown to improve children’s understanding of road situations. These training sessions will take place every Thursday afternoon for the next 6 weeks.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their first session and are looking forward to next week already!

Also, a big “Well Done” to our Do-jo and certificate winners this week. Well deserved for all your hard work!

This week’s primary 1 super stars!

During story writing, Primary 1 have been learning about writing simple Reports.  We talked about the importance of making sure that we write about ‘true facts’ and about labelling a diagram properly.

It was very difficult to choose only 4 star writers as everyone tried to do their very best!

Also, well done to our certificate winners this week,  pictured above.


What a Busy first term in Primary 1!

It’s hard to believe that the children have now completed their first term in Primary 1. Everyone has settled really well into school life and are working hard to do their best in everything that they do. A special thank you to all parents and carers who have made this transition from Nursery to Primary School such a successful one. Your support has been invaluable during these last few months, ensuring your child’s first steps into school life are happy and positive. I am so proud of how far the children have progressed in such a short space of time. I am sure you are too!

A few snap shots from a busy term! Keep checking next term for more updates.

Have a lovely October week holiday.

Mrs. Webb