Fantastic story writing this week! ‘Everyone’ tried their socks off!! The pupils tried their best to write independently by using their special word mats to write their own sentences. Some children didn’t need Mrs Webb’s help at all!
Primary 1 were very lucky to have visitors from the Confucius Institute. They told us lots of interesting facts about Chinese New Year. We learned that this is the Year of the Pig and heard the story of Nian. Our visitors brought traditional Chinese decorations for us to look at and we asked lots of questions about Chinese dragons!
Primary 1 have been learning that as our neurons connect inside our brains we are able to think, move and learn. Challenging ourselves makes our brain stronger! We love a challenge!! Making neurons from play dough was great fun…
It’s hard to believe that the children have almost completed their first term in Primary 1. Everyone has settled really well into school life and are working hard to do their best in everything that they do. A special thank you to all parents and carers who have made this transition from Nursery to Primary School such a successful one. Your support has been invaluable during these last few months, ensuring your child’s first steps into school life are happy and positive. I am so proud of how far the children have progressed in such a short space of time. I am sure you are too!
A few snap shots from a busy term! Keep checking next term for more updates.
Primary 1 have had a busy week planting seeds and writing special labels for their new plant pots. We can’t wait to see how they change and record how much our little plants grow. We will need to water our seeds regularly and some children even want to tell our seeds a story to help them grow!