During Maths we have been learning to ‘Count on’ and ‘Count altogether’.
We have been listening carefully and writing dictated sentences on our magnetic boards.
We drew and coloured terrific lighthouse pictures during Art.
During Maths we have been learning to ‘Count on’ and ‘Count altogether’.
We have been listening carefully and writing dictated sentences on our magnetic boards.
We drew and coloured terrific lighthouse pictures during Art.
Everyone in Primary 1 and Primary 2 had the best time ever at our Christmas party today! We know how busy Santa Claus is at this time of year but he made time to come to visit Gartcosh Primary School and gave us all wonderful gifts. Thank you Santa!
We have been really busy over the last two weeks but have still found time to make beautiful Christmas Angels!
As well as all the fun we have been having, we have been busy learning and revising all our sounds and tricky words. Each day we have been writing dictated sentences on our magnetic boards. Phew! So much hard work … but so much fun also!
Primary 1 had so much fun during our annual Pantomime show. This year it was Robin Hood. The Sheriff of Nottingham was a bit mean but he was also very funny. Mr O’Neill even got up and danced during the show! We all had a wonderful time.
Primary 1 Have been very busy making wooden Christmas bracelets for the school Christmas fayre. We had to follow instructions to create a pattern which took lots of concentration!
Lots of bracelets made… lots of learning about pattern… lots of fun!!
Primary 1 are a very talented bunch! The whole class voted for our two favourite acts to go through to the grand final and they made us very proud!
‘The Three Jokers’ had everyone in stitches with their funny jokes and ‘The Disney Girls’ danced their socks off. Well done everyone who was involved in this year’s show. You were all fantastic!
The boys and girls in Primary 1 had terrific fun raising money for Children in Need!
We were very lucky on Friday as we had a visitor who came to talk to us from the Dog’s Trust. She told us lots of helpful tips on how to look after dogs and how to treat animals with care.