Primary 1 at the Talent Show!!

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Primary 1 are a very talented bunch! The whole class voted for our two favourite acts to go through to the grand final and they made us very proud!

‘The Three Jokers’ had everyone in stitches with their funny jokes and ‘The Disney Girls’ danced their socks off.  Well done everyone who was involved in this year’s show. You were all fantastic!

Kerbcraft Training!

North Lanarkshire Council has introduced a Child Pedestrian Training Scheme called Kerbcraft, aimed at primary 1 children to improve their road safety skills. Kerbcraft  involves practical roadside training of  basic skills which have shown to improve children’s understanding of road situations. These training sessions will take place every Thursday afternoon for the next 6 weeks.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their first session and are looking forward to next week already!

Also, a big “Well Done” to our Do-jo and certificate winners this week. Well deserved for all your hard work!