Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Primary 4/5 and Mr Devine.
Primary 4/5 and Mr Devine
Primary 4/5 were eager to take part in a Christmas Present appeal this year and help other children this Christmas. We decided to gift presents to the Salvation Army. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. We really do appreciate all your help and support. The children were delighted to place their presents into one of the member’s car.
Primary 4/5
Primary 4/5 were amazed to learn lots of new facts today about Mary Queen of Scots! As part of our school trip, we visited Linlithgow Palace and Holyrood Palace. We were equipped with clipboards and were tasked with finding out new information and facts. What a wonderful end to our class topic!
Primary 4/5 and Mr Devine
P4/5 are working hard exploring their new novels. They are developing their comprehension strategies and thoroughly enjoying the texts. Next week, we will be posting some information about our current maths work!
Hello from everyone in P.4/5. We have been very busy lately in class and in school and are working hard to achieve our very best. It has been a busy term and we were joined by inspectors from Education Scotland who spent time with us in class working with us and speaking to us about our learning. We are enjoying our project on Mary Queen of Scots. It’s exciting to learn about history and important events from the past. After the October holiday we will be investigating the murder of Mary’s husband Lord Darnley! Hopefully we might be able to solve this unanswered question P.4/5.
Thanks to parents for attending P.4/5 Parent interviews held on 11th/12th October. We had a full turnout. Fantastic!
I would like to thank the boys and girls for their hard work over the past few weeks. It is a pleasure to be working with them and supporting them in their learning. A great deal lies ahead in the next few weeks including a visit to Linlithgow Palace, birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots and Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh. More detail to follow.
We will be updating our blog regularly so keep a look out for our posts.
Wishing the children and their families a great October break.
Best wishes,
Welcome to Gartcosh Primary 4/5’s blog page. This page will soon be updated with lots of interesting information about our class. Please be sure to check this page again very soon for all the latest news!