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P.4 Super Scientists!!!!!!

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P.4 have really enjoyed Science Week in school. Their Carbon Dioxide experiments were very successful. To produce the gas baking powder was added to malt vinegar and the gas in turn inflated balloons. By varying the amount of baking powder added the children were able to increase the anount of gas produced. So impressed by how well they worked in their teams!

Other experiments in class included testing the solubility/insolubility of a range of products including salt,sugar,sand and vegetable oil. 

Well done P.4 – budding scientists of the future!!!!!!!

Ancient Greek Afternoon

P.4 recently held an ‘Ancient Greek’ afternoon to showcase their fabulous work on the topic. Parents and relatives joined us for the festivities which included dancing, singing and even food tasting! 

Our visitors enjooyed a guided tour of the classroom and were well impressed with our Ancient Greek display. P.4 performed the Greek national anthem before moving to the hall for a wonderful demonstartion of Greek dancing. 

One of the highlights of the afternoon was viewing the outstanding models created by the children.

Thank you to the parents who commented on how amazingly delicious Mr.Devine’s feta and spinach filo pie was!!!!!!!!

Sas afcharisto agapitoi filoi!

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Tennis Block

he childrfen welcomed Mr.Decuyper who will be coaching the class as they develop their skills in tennis over the next few weeks. Wednesday’s session was out of doors and it felt a bit like being at the Winter Olympics however the children loved it and Mr.Decuyper was amazing!!!!! Mr. Devine is going to bring his kit next week ( thermals!!!) and take part too!.

Outdoor Classroom Day

Thursday 1st November was  Outdoor Classroom Day. In P.4 we have been working on ‘Measure’ which has included length, weight and capacity. On Thursday we went outside and measured the distance of our long jumps. We then recorded our results and will use these back in class to create graphs. Measuring the distances of long jumps is a real life job for people who work at sporting events like The European Championships or The Olympics.

Scottish Traditions

Primary 4 have been very busy learning about Scottish traditions. They made lovely art work and have been learning about significant Scots and other parts of Scottish culture. They have also been learning about Scottish words and phrases. They had lots of fun!

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