All posts by Mr O'Neill

Goodbye Miss Muir from P.4/5!

The children said goodbye to Miss Muir on Friday. Miss Muir, our final year student from Strathclyde University has been with us for the past 9 weeks and has had a very successful placement in our school. She has worked extremely hard to ensure that she provided the very best of learning experiences for all! Miss Muir has thoroughly enjoyed her time in Gartcosh primary and thinks our children are amazing……………well we won’t disagree with her on that point!!!

To thank her for all her efforts the pupils presented her with some gifts including chocolates and a class made card where the children wrote her some beautiful personalised messages.

We wish Miss Muir happiness and success for the future and the children all hope that she will keep in touch.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

From Mr. Devine.

This week in P.4/5

This week P.4/5 have been continuing to work on Data Handling. We have looked at Venn Diagrams and taken part in lots of active maths in this area. Our Learning Intention was to know how to sort a range of numbers and shapes into the appropriate sections of Venn diagrams. We worked cooperatively to achieve this and really enjoyed these activities. With Miss Muir we decided on our Success Criteria and these helped us to evaluate our learning against the Learning Intentions.

To celebrate World Thinking Day on Thursday 22nd February some of our class and children in other classes of the school swapped school uniform for their Cubs, Brownies and Boys Brigade uniforms.

P.4/5 Authors.

P.4/5 have started to write their own books which they’ll read and present to P.1 children on World Book Day, Thursday 1st March. The children are writing about a variety of stories, designing front covers and working on illustrations. An important target for P.4/5 is to remember that the audience they are writing for is P.1.

More about this in next week’s blog.

Please remember that children are invited to come to school next Thursday dressed as their favourite character from a book.

Having fun on the Sponsored Assault Course!


P.4/5 are really enjoying our Mindfulness Programme led by Mr. McCann. We covered lesson 6 this week and looked at willpower.

Here are some of our thoughts on ‘Mindfulness’.

‘I think that mindfulness is good for stimulation of the brain’.   Ava Mc.

‘Mindfulness is good for calming me down’.   Andrew.

‘I think mindfulness is good because it’s great fun.’   Anna

‘I really enjoy mindfulness. It helps me to concentrate’.   Faith.

‘ I think mindfulness id relaxing and fun and I want to do more of it’.



Well done Andrew. Inspired by our topic on Malawi he and his gran have given a £15 loan to ‘Lend with Care’ to support a group of Malawians set up their own small business.

Some of our project work on Malawi. We hope to invite you to come in and see our work during a Malawi Coffee Afternoon. More details to follow.

Thank you for viewing our Blog.


Life is busy in Primary 4/5!

Primary 4/5 enjoying learning basketball skills! They are so competitive.

P.4/5 are researching African landscapes as they create some ‘ Sunset over Malawi’ artwork.

We really like writing letters. These letters are to our Malawian pen friends . We are exchanging information about life in Malawi and Scotland.

Rohan’s gran visited us on Friday to tell us all about her visit to Malawi. She shared lots of interesting information and this will really help us with our topic. It was really kind of her to spend time with us.

Visit to St. Andrew’s Hospice Airdrie

We were delighted to take this cheque to St. Andrew’s Hospice earlier this week. The money was part of what we raised during our carol singing at Tesco at Christmas. We hope to become business partners with the hospice and participate in their fundraising events from time to time. In the next few weeks staff from the hospice will join us at assembly to tell us about the important work they do and how we can all help. In the picture our beaming P.4/5 choir members are presenting the cheque to two members of hospice staff.

New Topic for P.4/5

P.4/5 are excited to begin working on their new project on Malawi. Victoria Muir is a final year teaching student from Strathclyde University and is leading the learning in this area of study. Victoria has worked in schools in Malawi and brings a great deal of knowledge to share with the children . The children will be learning about many aspects of life in Malawi with a particular focus on schools and education as well as developing an understanding of the similarities and differences between life in both Malawi and Scotland. We will keep you posted with how our work is progressing and hope to invite you to a ‘Malawi Afternoon’ towards the end of term.


Christmas Present Appeal

Primary 4/5 were eager to take part in a Christmas Present appeal this year and help other children this Christmas. We decided to gift presents to the Salvation Army. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. We really do appreciate all your help and support. The children were delighted to place their presents into one of the member’s car.

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Primary 4/5

Mary Queen of Scots Trip!

Primary 4/5 were amazed to learn lots of new facts today about Mary Queen of Scots! As part of our school trip, we visited Linlithgow Palace and Holyrood Palace. We were equipped with clipboards and were tasked with finding out new information and facts. What a wonderful end to our class topic!


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Primary 4/5 and Mr Devine