More p4/5 Space Projects!

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Well done children on some truly spectacular cosmic creations. Such a lot of creativity and hard work. Learning certainly is fun! Well done also for sharing  your projects at assembly and ‘Show and Tell’ sessions in class  with Mrs McFarlane and Mr Devine.

On a slightly disappointing note we cannot be accommodated by the Science Centre this term. To compensate for this at the end of our project ( mid-June) we will host a “Space Day” in class when we’ll be able to dress up as astronauts, aliens etc and enjoy a space buffet complete with Mr Devine’s Mars Bar Cake and some Galaxies and Milky Way’s!

Thanks again to parents/carers for supporting the children so well with their projects. Certificate and medals shall be awarded soon.



Spectacular Space Projects

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Space Projects well underway in Primary 4/5. Pupils have been very creative in their designs and are proudly showing them off and describing them to their peers back in class. All projects should be returned to class by next week.

Thank you for all your hard work and effort Primary 4/5!