We had loads of fun taking part in our sponsored assault course this afternoon!! Even Mrs Simpson had a go!
Many thanks to everyone that has sponsored us!
We had loads of fun taking part in our sponsored assault course this afternoon!! Even Mrs Simpson had a go!
Many thanks to everyone that has sponsored us!
As part of our Mindfulness sessions, we have learned how to eat mindfully. Mr McCann gave us each an unknown item which we had to hold, smell and finally unwrap the tinfoil from…
We were allowed to place the chocolate in our mouths but not chew, and then allow it to move around our mouths before finally biting into it. We all agreed that taking our time and thinking about the experience lead to an even better taste sensation!
Next time we eat our dinner in a hurry we will think about this and try to slow down!
We had a great time learning how to create beautifully marbled paper! We added special marbling inks to a tray of water, swished it all around and then watched the magic happen when we added the paper.
Due to a few technical difficulties, the P5 blog has been a little quiet lately…..
We are now back up and running and look forward to sharing what we have been doing!
Mrs Simpson.