Empowering young people is essential to building their confidence and growing their abilities. Every school offers leadership opportunities for young people which not only helps to improve their communication skills, but also allows them to understand how they can impact on the opportunities and lives of others.

Many of our young people across all schools engage in our Leadership Academy. Our STEM leaders from St Ambrose High School are shown above. Our leaders attain accreditation at SQA levels 5 and 6 for completion of this programme. This develops confidence and enhances communication skills. Pupils work with local Primary schools as part of P7 transition in areas of – STEM, Digital, Enterprise, Dance, Sports, Wellbeing and Arts.

St Ambrose High School pupils learning how to lead, work as a team. These are crucial skills for senior pupils as they consider pathways for the future.

Leadership takes many forms across Future Fridays. Pupils can consider their interests and skills and use them to engage others in bespoke sessions across all 23 secondary schools and cluster primaries.