October 24, 2017
by Mrs Robinson
The children in the toddler room have been enjoying listening to the story ‘The tiger who came to tea’. Some of the children are becoming familiar with the story and can re-tell parts of it by looking at the illustrations and using props and puppets from our story bag. In relation to our story, the children have had the opportunity to take part in a range of experiences that enables them to notice and talk about patterns around them, e.g. stripes and spots.
We have been practicing using our self help skills by getting ready for outdoor play. We can find our own coat and boots and are making good attempts at getting dressed. Out doors the children have noticed changes to their environment and have been gathering the fallen leaves and using our senses to explore the texture, and looking at the patterns, size and colours of the leaves.
As the children have been enjoying making their own snack, we have extended their interest by introducing a recipe of the week, which we can have for our snack or take home to share. Don’t forget to pick up our recipe each week.
Each week there are always opportunities on offer for the children to engage in sensory play, with new textures and experiences to explore using all their senses.