Additional Support Needs

  1. Dunbeth Family Learning Centre complies with the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended by the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009.
  2. North Lanarkshire Council’s policy is contained within “Support for Learning Policy into Practice 2”, a copy of which is available in the nursery.  The nursery has a Support for Learning Policy, available from the school on request, which is consistent with North Lanarkshire Council Guidelines.
  3. We believe that all children learn in different ways and may require additional support for a variety of reasons at different times in their education. We aim to support all our children to achieve their potential and will do this in a consistent, equitable and transparent approach by:
    • Ensure children’s needs are recognised early on in their nursery life and appropriate support given.
    • Detail an identification and review system to best meet the needs of children requiring additional support.
    • Outline the roles and responsibilities of keyworkers, nursery staff and specialist support services.
    • Ensure the views of children, where possible, and their parent/carers are taken account of when making decisions which affect them.

4. Staged Intervention is a process which is used to identify, assess and support the learning needs of the children in our centre. It provides:

  • A record of intervention and achievement for individual children as they progress through nursery.
  • An inclusive approach which involves parents/carers, children, relevant staff and support services.
  • Agreed learning and support plans which record the needs of individual children.
  • A solution focussed approach to resolving issues early and at the least level of intrusive intervention.
  • A structured monitoring and review cycle.

5. Looked after Children i.e. Children who care cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the local authority are deemed to have Additional Support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise.

6. Parents and young people can request an assessment at any time to establish whether a child or young person has additional needs and/or requires a Co-ordinated Support Plan.  Details of who to contact should be included.

7. Parents and pupils are an essential part of the assessment, planning and review processes and your views will be actively sought.


Getting it Right for Me Plan (GIRFME) enable staff to plan effectively for children and young people with Additional Support Needs.

Some children and young people may require significant support from education and at least one other agency, such as health, social work and/or voluntary agency to help them meet their learning targets.  Where this support requires a high level of co-ordination the opening of a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) may be considered.

A CSP may be initiated by the school or another agency.

Parents and young people can, if they wish, request that a CSP be considered and would be involved in the process.  Parents will receive letters from the Education Authority throughout the CSP process.  Parents and young people will be invited to take part in multi-agency meetings and their views will be recorded in the plan.

ASN Provision

Within the centre we have ASN specialised provision.  This provision is specialised allocation only by North Lanarkshire Council.

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