Today group 4 went skiing. This afternoon was canoeing and kayaking. Group 8 went canoeing in the morning with gorge walking in the afternoon. Both groups have had a fabulous day and are preparing themselves for the disco tonight. Enjoy the photos!
Group 8 did Canoeing and Gorge walking today, it was the best day ever. The weather was dry & the sun even came out for a little while. In canoeing we had to strap 2 canoes together first, then we had to work out how to work together & steer it in the correct direction. We did really well, we chose Abigail as our captain & she was in charge. We went over to Heather Island & then we ate our flapjacks on it. After lunch we went Gorge walking which was another fab activity. Everyone fell into the water on numerous occasions and it was really fun. Alexander lost his welly, but Nigel managed to retrieve it. The water was freezing but it didn’t matter, it was amazing.
Tonight we are getting ready for the disco, which starts at 7pm. We’re sure that it will be a fabulous end to a wonderful week.
From Primary 7