Thursday morning

David – ” I went skiing yesterday. I fell a lot. I did gorge walking on Tuesday, I liked that except from the cold water. My favourite activity so far has been the adventure walk that I did yesterday, because the girls fell in iced over water!”

Kieran and Craig  – ” Yesterday we  went for an adventure walk. It was over the hills and we could see Mull. Daniel fell over about a million times and I slipped three times. We went rock climbing as well. We found it quite easy. We are both in group nine.”

Sarah S – “Yesterday I went skiing in the morning, sorry Mum! It was very challenging and when I fell the first time I hurt my arm. I decided to go back and carry on. I went to the little slope first to try it out by holding the fence. I got it okay so I managed to do it without holding on. In the afternoon I went climbing, I was really scared, but I did it! I was proud of myself. That was a medium one after an easy one.”

Kirstie – ” Yesterday we went rock climbing and skiing. Everyone had a really really good time. It was probably our best day yet! In rock climbing we had four cliffs to climb up and I was the only girl that managed to climb the biggest rock face. Skiing was really really fun and we all fell on our bottoms lots. I almost killed Mrs McIntyre! I got to the big slope which was really high and I went really fast.”

James – Yesterday I did rock climbing and skiing. On the skiiing there were lots of different sections like Santa’s Little Helper. I got to the Bart section. It was only two sections away from the top. We had to climb three different rocks. I felt good. one was really scary but I gave it a go, but I didn’t get up too far.”

Thomas – ” Today I have adventure walk and safari. I’m looking forward to it. I enjoyed skiing yesterday but I fell over a lot and Mrs McIntyre had it all on camera. By accident, my skis went towards the jump and I tripped myself up to stop me doing a worse fall. I found hill climbing easy but I didn’t do the really hard one, because I knew I’d fall. I fell over the grass so I knew I would!”

Wednesday 12.12.12

Sarah M -” Today I went Skiing in the morning and then went Adventure Walking. In my group is Aimee A, Hannah, Erin, Emma, Myles, Andrew and David. When we were Adventure Walking Aimee A kept falling and I a really good friend and I just could not stop laughing at her. Sorry Aimee. I’ll keep you updated and I’ll see you when I get back. Bye!!! ”

Mrs McIntyre ” Sad news to report – Kieran beat me at air hockey! :-(“

Wednesday Messages from P7

Hannah – “Hi Charlie miss you lots” Thanks I had a great time at Gorge walking my hands were so cold they were warm and burny.Say Hi to mum, dad and say I’m having fun!!!See you soon, love you. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NATIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Erin – “Hey Lewis I miss you. I went gorge walking and  I was so cold I was blue. I hope your nativity went amazing. You are going to love Kilbowie because you jump into the water and get mucky. Say hi to everyone and Angel. I’ll see you friday. P.S Ciara’s wellie accidentaly got lost in a giant freezing water fall because I went in deep, sorry to Ciara. Bye.”

Sarah M – ” Hi mum and dad! I’m having fun and can’t wait to get home and eat my 5 chocolates from my advent calendar. How Kathryn’s Pre Lims going ? I’m going skiing today and can’t wait to go!!! See you when I get home.”

Kirstie- ” Hey Laura I really miss you and Mum but I’m having great fun. How is your girl nights going? Have lots of fun xxx Kirstie.”

More Tuesday blogging

Thomas  – ” We went gorge walking today. It was COOOOOOOLD! I didn’t jump in but I did jump in at canoeing.”

Craig – ” Today I did canoeing and skiing. Skiing was fun but very cold. I like my red hat because it matches my jumper and keeps me warm! I found it difficult being the captain because everybody was trying to take over me. The flapjacks were amazing! The sheep chasing was good too!”

Blair – ” Yesterday was fun but it was really cold. Today our group did canoeing and gorge walking. My favourite activity was canoeing because it was fun using the oars to row and steer the canoe. The gorge walking was really cold and I fell in twice. I am looking forward to climbing this week.”

Mrs McIntyre – ” Today i went canoeing with group nine. They tried hard to work as a team. I whipped Blair, Daniel R and Daniel F at air hockey! P7 are no match for me!”

Tuesday 11th December Lunchtime update

Andrew – ‘ Yesterday I jumped in the water and it was freezing. Last night  the night activity  was Departure, it was really hard but good fun! This morning I did canoeing. it was really fun, but it was hard at the start. This afternoon I’m doing gorge walking. I can’t wait!”

Sarah M – ” Today I went canoeing. I was in the same group as Andrew. Me and Myles were the captains of each other’s boats. I enjoyed canoeing with my group. Later on I will be doing gorge walking. I’m feeling nervous and I hope to keep dry.”

Imogen – ” Today my group went canoeing and we were all excited to take part. In my group there were eight people and two boats. Girls in one boat and boys in the other. It was amazing but cold! It took about two hours to sail across the sea to the island. We are skiiing this afternoon.”

Tuesday 11th December

Arianne – ” Yesterday I was jumping in the sea. It felt cold. Daniel pushed me in! Last night was quite fun. I was the first one asleep in my room. Aimee, Aimie and Emily are in my room. Our room is messy. We only got 5 out of 10 from Mrs White. I’m doing gorge walking today in the morning and skiing in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to it”

Aimie – ” We are doing gorge walking and skiing today and I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to other activities like canoeing and other stuff. Last night was fun because we were sitting talking but then we fell asleep.I’m mostly looking forward to the safari.”

David – ” We were climbing over rocks yesterday and we jumped into the water. Last night we played the Airport game. We had to find different countries in the dark. It was good. It took me a while to get to sleep last night because I was excited and in a strange room. We might be canoeing today depending on the weather!”

Thomas – ” Yesterday I did orientation and the tour of the grounds then we went to the beach and we all went in and got absolutely soaking! After dinner we went out to do a night time scavenger hunt. I kept getting lost! It took ages to get to sleep last night. I’m looking forward to skiing and gorge walking.”

Myles – ” We jumped into the sea yesterday afternoon and we were taken round the rocks. Last night we were playing games – blind man’s bluff in Daniel’s room. It took about an hour to get to sleep because the light was on outside.”

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