
Primary 7 have been doing fitness in pe 1:30 each station the stations will last until Easter they’re 5 different stations

  • skipping
  • speed bounce
  • step ups
  • burpies
  • ladders

We are hoping to test our fitness with the bleep test before Easter.






Scottish Opera

On Friday we are performing Warriors, the Emperor’s Incredible Army to others. P5 s will be The Builders, P6 are the Soldiers and P7s are The Peasants. We will be performing alongside Scottish Opera singers. Roger came to work with us prior to the Easter holidays to improve our singing. We will be singing a variety of songs to tell the story about the emperor. The story is set in China 2000 years ago. Watch this space for further updates!

Non Chronological Reports

In Literacy we have been learning how to write non chronological reports. These are reports that are not in order of time. You would not use these when you write a biography or if you are writing reports where time doesn’t matter. We used this to write a report on bugs.

To write this effectively we need to –

  • Use present tense verbs
  • Use technical words
  • Use titles and captions
  • Have an introduction
  • Include facts and figures
  • Use topic specific words
  • Use connectives

In everyday life we could use this skill when writing an essay in university or college. If we were making an information leaflet this skill would be useful.

Kilbowie Day 1

I enjoyed jumping in freezing cold water.  It was really fun.  By Brodie

Walking along the rocks has been great.  Our instructor is Fiona and she has been great so far. By James

I liked climbing up all the rocks around the wall.  I jumped into the cold water.  By Garv

I really enjoyed lying down in the shallow water and jumping off the pier but I didn’t like the salty water in my mouth.  By Josh

We did some mountain walking.  Our instructor was Chris and we went into a cave and then came out the other side.  When we got to the top at 100ft we rolled down the hill and then climbed back up.  Dylan’s knee hit the rock but was okay.  By Craig and Dylan.

I enjoyed when I had to swim and then hold onto the wall and climb up the rocks.  Then we got to jump off the pier.  It was fun and the water was salty.  By Nathan

I enjoyed walking along the beach and I found a crab.  I jumped off the pier into the water.  It was freezing!  By Mark

I played with my friend this afternoon.  We went swimming and it was very cold.  I helped Eleasha and Neve get up the hills and we had fun.  By Bobby

When we got here we were early so we got to have lunch before the other bus got here.  My first activity was walking and I fell into the water.  I felt a bit embarrassed but I enjoyed it really!!  Looking forward to having dinner soon and then going into the games room.  By Georgina.

We were walking along rocks and then our instructor Fiona said we could go into the water upto our knees and then upto our waist.  It felt really, really cold.  After that we went to get lifejackets so that we could jump into the water from the boardwalk.  I jumped in and got soaked.  By Courtney

Scottish afternoon

Blog by  Sarah

At the end of January my class and I started to prepare for the annual Scottish Afternoon. To start off we came up with the idea of dressing up as either a Historical figure, a Sport Star or an Actor. I was Kathryn Granger and Heather Stanning from the Sport Stars. I was also in charge of the music and Micraphones. The parts were given out and we then had to come up with a little riddle for our character.

Once the parts were given out we then had to start thinking about a script.   Some of the parts were taken out and the people with no parts were given the place of presenters. The presenters were in charge of writing the script and they did a very good job.

The next stage was to begin to string the parts together and rehearse with the other classes.  The rehearsals start to improve in time and by the Dress rehearsal we were ready to, with a bit of work, perform in front of the parents.

It was now time to perform our Scottish afternoon to the parents and put our practice to use, and it seemed to pay off as we gave a fantastic show. I whish I could go back and perform it all over again.

Kilbowie update

Primary 7 and the staff were extremely busy on Thursday with their activities, case  packing and disco, so could not blog after their initial  early pre breakfast  blog. The disco proved extremely successful, but the packing less so! Some were more willing to blog than others and we apologise if anyone was missed  – the games room was an attraction for a lot of them prior to any meal we had! Thank you to all who commented throughout the week, it was much appreciated. We have more photos of the children which will be uploaded soon.  The children had a great time and they were a pleasure to be with.    We hope they sleep for you this weekend!

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