This term in Primary ¾ we have working on a lot of things.
In Literacy, we have all been working on our books and we are getting a lot more fluent at reading.
In taught Writing, we did a characterisation about our own characters. We did it as part of our IDL, which just now is, the Soft Shoe Shuffle.
We looked at lots of different pairs of shoes and created our characters from them. We found this really good fun, we were even allowed to try on the shoes. You might see some photos in Primary ¾. We will be using our characters next week to create stories about them.
Our IDL is the Soft Shoes Shuffle as we said. Through this we have looked at different material and fabrics, as well as olden style shoes. We learned that people used to wear Rabbit skinned shoes, and now we all like to wear different colours and styles of shoes. We did some maths activities, where we measured the Length and the Width of our shoes in cms. They are coloured and displayed in our lovely classroom.
We’ve also been using ICT to create pic-collages about different materials that would be best for shoes.
In Numeracy we have been measuring using, measuring sticks, rulers, measuring tapes and the Trundel wheel, so that we can experience how we need different measuring tools for different things. We’ve also been working really hard on our Big Maths and Times tables as well.
In Health and Wellbeing, we have been walking the mile and learning to play tennis and rounders.
We are really enjoying learning tennis and have had the nets out to play actual games. In rounders we have learned how to field and bat, Conor even caught a great hit from Elliot, which was very exciting.