We have all been learning how to make character studies, this is when we draw the character and write things that describe them around our drawings. The Cat in the hats and the Gruffalos have been answering comprehension questions.
We were writing about characters too and adding in their thoughts and feelings.
We have been counting our ten numbers and writing our number names up to 10!
On Friday we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and we know that if the number ends in 1,2,3 or 4 we round DOWN. If the number ends in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round UP!
We met PIM this week and he helped us with its nothing new!
We had fun making our own superheros, you will be surprised when you see their faces.
We had fun looking at primary and secondary colours and we mixed our primary colours to make green, orange and violet.
We were learning about rhythm and adding actions into songs in music. This was great fun!
Wow P3 you have been learning lots so far this term. I am looking forward to reading even more about your new topic
You have been busy!! I’m going to have to come and visit and see these superheroes!
Those superheroes look wonderful on display!
It sounds like you have all been very busy. Well done primary 3!
Nice work P3! Keep working hard.
Well done P3!
This all sounds like an amazing, fun and active week. Well done.
You have been working hard P3! Well done.
Well done, it sounds like you have been working hard.
Way to go P3!
That really is a lot of learning P3. Keep up the great work!
Sounds like a very exciting week P3!