Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all our school and nursery children and families. We hope you have had a lovely summer break and we look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our community to achieve the very best for every child.

Well done to all our new Primary 1 and Nursery children who got off to a great start today and very best wishes to our former Primary 7 children who started secondary school today!

A reminder of our procedures for ensuring a smooth start for all can be found below.

Return to Nursery August 2021

Return to School August 2021

As always, if you have any questions, suggestions for improvement or compliments then please do get in touch by calling our office or emailing: enquiries-at-corpuschristi@northlan.org.uk

Mary O’Brien (McCreery)

Head Teacher

Primary 1 Transition

We will shortly be outlining more specific plans to further support transition for children starting school in August. Those attending our nursery are already very familiar with our school environment and are getting to know many of our staff already.

A virtual meeting will be held this term to allow us to share more information about our school and to offer you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Invitations to our virtual meeting will be sent via email.

Mary McCreery

Head Teacher

Digital/Home Learning Guide for Children and Parents

This is a very different start to our new school term and a very challenging one for all in our community.  The Scottish Government has announced that home learning will continue for a little longer, mid February is the timescale recently announced, so I hope this information helps you and your child in accessing learning and managing the day of learning at home.

Please click here to access our Corpus Christi Digital/Home Learning Guide. Information on this was recently emailed to all parents with our January Newsletter.

Further information will be provided as required and I will be asking for your feedback shortly as part of our continuous drive for improvement.

We want to do the very best we can for every child!

Kind regards,

Mary McCreery

How to Use Class Notebook and Assignments

Your child can upload work to his/her class teacher without it being shared with the whole class by using notebook in Teams. The teacher can also set assignments. Children can continue to use the general area for conversation and to ask questions but this feature ensures privacy for each child when submitting work and allows the teacher to provide individual feedback.

Please click  here for a video tutorial on using notebook and assignments within Teams.

How to Access NL Virtual Classroom

North Lanarkshire Digital School has created a virtual classroom which can be accessed along with the learning experiences being provided by each class teacher.  Access to NL Virtual Classroom is through Teams and your child has already been added to this Team.

Please find our video tutorial on how to access the Virtual Classroom here.

Your child’s class teacher will direct him/her to the colour of learning experiences to access.

Your child can ask questions on his/her class Team if assistance is required. You can also email ht@corpuschristi.n-lanark.sch.uk or call our school office.

Nursery Applications Session 2021/2022

Information on nursery applications for new starts in session 2021/2022 was issued to all parents/carers in December 2020. The following information explains the process if you wish to apply.

The nursery admissions process for session 2021-2022 is now open, but will be carried out electronically.

The funding dates for 2021/2022 are as follows:

Children who reach 3 years of age between 1 March 2021 and 12 August 2021 can take up their ELC placement from August 2021.

Children reaching 3 years of age between 13 August 2021 and 28 February 2022 can take up their ELC placement the day after the child’s 3rd birthday.  Parents/carers of children applying to North Lanarkshire Council from another local authority should be guided by the Cross Boundary Protocol. Children will normally attend an ELC establishment closest to their home but you can apply to any establishment, in accordance with the admissions policy, should you wish to do so.

Applications should be returned to your first choice of ELC provider by Friday 12th February 2021 along with a photograph of supporting paperwork. Please click here to access the application form. Details of supporting paperwork can be found in the ELC Guidance Notes. Please note that three choices must be provided.

A list of funded providers can be found here.

Applications being made to Corpus Christi Nursery should be sent to enquiries@corpuschristi.n-lanark.sch.uk

Full details of the nursery application process and all the relevant forms can be found here.

Kind regards,

Mary McCreery

Head Teacher

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