Category Archives: Dyslexia

Dyslexia Awareness Week for Staff





Support for Learning have requested that staff support Dyslexia Awareness Week by:

  • Wearing the dyslexia ribbon.
  • Attending the coffee morning on Friday.
  • Reading the issued booklet with gives information and advice on dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.
  • Accessing Dyslexia Scotland website where they will find a variety of resources as well as free Online Dyslexia Modules, offering a great CPD opportunity.
  • Referring to the strategies advised by Dyslexia Scotland for 13-17 year olds. See link below:
  • If they have a desire to do anything with their class they will find additional activities at the bottom of the PHSE Lesson. Various video clips are also accessible on the server under staff share/public/dyslexia.

Dyslexia Awareness Week for Pupils

Support for Learning have planned a variety of activities for pupils, which will take place during PHSE, to raise awareness of Dyslexia:


  • Dyslexia Scotland – Children’s Presentation (Attached to email)
  • Video Clip – ‘See dyslexia differently’ (Use link below)

  • Dyslexia is known as a ‘hidden disability’. ‘Hidden dyslexia’ colouring activity is attached to the email, print the number required for your class and ensure you have colouring pens/pencil at the ready. The worksheet can also be download from:




S5/6     (For seniors we are encouraging a more independent approach particularly for the first activity which requires the use of computers/ipads)

  • Access Dyslexia Unwrapped a website for children and young people with dyslexia aged 8-18. Direct the pupils to 13-17 years where they will find articles and information about living with dyslexia including; passing your driving test with dyslexia, mental health and self-esteem, studying and exams, a guide to my mysterious dyslexic quirks, what is it like with dyslexia. Individually or in pairs/groups read through the various topic areas.
  • Read the messages from our ‘Young Ambassadors’ and watch the associated video clips If you cannot access the video clips they can be found in staff share/ public/ dyslexia/ambassador clips. This lesson can be done individually or as a whole class.
  • Famous People Quiz (see attached). An additional information sheet is attached with quotes from the famous people which can be given out AFTER the quiz has been attempted.

  Additional Activities

  • So, you’ve got dyslexia… what is it anyway

  • Dyslexia – it’s NOT an illness

  • Just for Fun/Wired Differently


Dyslexia Online Modules

Free Online Learning Modules

Dyslexia Scotland are offering a fantastic CPD opportunity free of charge. They have created 3 online modules to raise awareness and develop your knowledge of dyslexia. The modules, which support GTC Scotland Professional Standards, Professional Update and Professional Recognition, have been developed primarily for teachers, school management and GTCS registered local authority education officers. Please take a look via our link.



Dyslexia Awareness Week



Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week will be on 6 – 11 November 2017

The theme of Dyslexia Awareness Week is ‘Positive about dyslexia’

We are positive about the skills and talents of children and adults with dyslexia.

We are positive that with the right support, children and adults with dyslexia can reach their full potential.

We are positive that children and adults with dyslexia can be successful in education, work and life.

We are working to help turn the negatives into positives.

We are #positiveaboutdyslexia


Dyslexia Open Evening

Dyslexia beyond the school gates.

In education- employment – trying to get a job



WEDNESDAY 4th October 2017

Conference Centre,South Lanarkshire Council HQ,

Almada Street, Hamilton at 7.30pm


This information evening will focus on the challenges facing adults with dyslexia whether in college or university, in employment or trying to get into employment.


Hear about workplace assessments and support and the personal experiences from people who have faced and overcome challenges.


If you would like to come along please email:




Dyslexia Awareness Board



Celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015 at Coltness High. Our fabulous ‘Making Sense of Dyslexia’ display in the foyer to help raise awareness.

A massive thank you goes to Mr MacDonald of Technical for being the driving force with this.  Also to the ASDAN classes and all in Support for Learning for their hard work with the project.  Please take the time to have a good look at the board.

All staff have been wearing their blue ribbons to show support.

Huge thanks to @KennyLogan for retweeting our Dyslexia Awareness Week!!