Learning Intentions – ACTIVITY 1

Once you have completed the tasks involved in this activity you will have: Obtained information using the internet Evaluated the Disney website and commented on the information it contains and its appearance Compared your findings with the findings of others Followed visual and spoken instructions to complete a task successfully

Mickey Magic – Introduction

Setting the Scene Your old primary school intends taking a group of P6/7 pupils to Disneyland Paris within the next year. However, as none of the teachers have been to Disneyland Paris the Headteacher, Ms Purnell, has asked you to help her to plan and organise the trip. During the weeks ahead you will have: Demonstrated your ICT skills to obtain specific information using the internet; Produced a ‘Big

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Welcome Back

Welcome back 2.5! This year we will have three units. Mickey Magic – an “Admin” based course that focuses on the use of GPPs Web Page Creation – a “Computing” based course that focuses on creating and using websites Money Matters – an “Economics” based course that focuses on personal finanace

ICT Basics

AIMS During introduction, we learned how to use the Mouse as an Input device to the computer. Clicking, Dragging and Highlighting were taught to you. Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Menus & Hyperlinks

A hyperlink is a link to another page, this page can be on the same or on another website. To add a menu to you site you need to use a Spry called “Spry Menu Bar”, this creates an unordered list that makes use of CSS formatting to make it look like buttons. Dreamweaver takes care of all the CSS and leaves you to focus on the content. Go to the

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New Animation Software

I’m afraid since we upgraded the work stations to Windows 7 (64bit), we have found Stykz a bit unreliable with some classes.  We have therefore moved on to the beta 4 edition of Pivot Animator. Pivot is a great piece of software that has a very similar interface to stykz, you should find it no problem to use at all. It is free software and I have put a

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Web Development – Images

Images are a huge part of web pages, but they were almost an after thought in the design of the web. You still sometimes get that feeling when you are trying to do something creative with them. The class started with a discussion about the need for images on a website. The class were then asked to find ten pictures for their website. Once the task was completed we discussed copyright.

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Catch and Tidy up

Today we spend the period catching up on any paperwork we have missed. So pupils were finishing off any incomplete tasks and answering questions in their workbook.

Web Development – Pages

The Aim of today’s lesson was to get the basic HTML pages created. We started off by looking at a range of websites and how they were laid out. We then loaded Dream Weaver and had a look at the HTML layouts, showing how different layouts matched up to websites. We created a new 3 column hybrid with headers and footers page and saved it as index All websites

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Web Development – Wireframes

Today we created a Moqups account for ourselves and started the process of designing a web site. What is a wire frame? A wire frame is a document we use to design the layout of a web page. It contains heading and links as well as a layout to describe where graphics and text appear. However, it does not contain the images or test themselves. The websites we used today are

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