1.8’s hour of code.

Today the class took part in the world wide hour of code. First year are creating a flappy bird game this week. Here is a selection of their work. Ken Tsang Anna Nauman The pupils also tested the game on their phones.

1.8 Charting

Today the class finished off the I’m a celebrity get me out of here chart. The class voted on people they though could win and turned the results into a chart, using powerpoint.

S1 Charting (1.3)

The class took a vote on who was to win “I’m a celebrity get me out of here”. The then created a chart of the results inside power point before printing the finished graph. Here is their work.

Parents Night

I will be in Maths 4 or Maths 5 during parents night. Looking forward to meeting you on the 28th of May. Mr. Stratton


Today we will create an avatar. The site we are using is face your manga. Avatars are a digital representation of yourself. The avatar we are going to create is for use in Glow, so it needs to be suitable for use by children from age 5 upwards. Once you create your avatar you need to save it from the site. We can use print screen and IrfanView to

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1.2 Commonwealth Animations

Well done to 1.2 the class have worked very hard at finishing off the animations. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.coltnesshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk/departments/CS_BizEdComp/Mr_Stratton/temp/1.2.pptx.swf” width=”640″ height=”480″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]

Cafe Posters

The class has created a poster to place in the window of a local Cafe. It needed to have The name of the cafe A suitable graphic The number of hours worked The hourly rate I will shortly be putting the completed posters on the site.

Videos in posts

Just a quick note that if you can’t see the videos in the post you might need to open the blog in Internet Explorer and view the unsecured content.

Commonwealth Games Animation.

We well have finished the animations and I have just finished putting them into a PowerPoint document. I will show them to the class on Wednesday, we will then score each others work and the computer will record our answers.