Input and Output Devices

Input and Output devices allow computers and their Human operators to communicate with each other. Most input and output devices use Wires. However, more and more devices are becoming wireless. After we filled in our workbook we searched for input and output devices that allow disabled users to use computers.

Parts of a Computer

Today we learned about the parts of a computer. We searched online looking for cool pictures of Monitor Keyboard Mouse System Unit Computers have changed a lot in size and shape over the years, I wonder what they will be like in 10 or 20 years?  

Welcome 2015’s S1

First year have been hard at work learning the basics of keyboard usage. The classes have been using a number of sites and resources including TuxType and Dance Mat Typing. Practice makes perfect and keyboarding is a skill that will be invaluable to all of our pupils. REMEMBER Index fingers on the F and J and feel for the bumps on those keys.

2.8 Publisher Houses

Today in class we created a house in MS Publisher . The class had to use the publisher tool kit to create a house. We learned about how some of the tools work and also about layers in drawings.

Welcome back 2.8

Today we looked at a Entrepreneur who has created her own company called StarSparkles. We watched this video describing how the company came into being. Then answered the following questions while searching the StarSparkles website. 1 What age is Pauline and where does she come from? 2 What/who inspired Pauline? 3 What 2 support groups helped Pauline get started? 4 What type of business did she choose and when did she

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HTML Introduction

A HTML page is a web page, these are used to create websites. Today in class we were looking at how a web page is structured. A HTML tag (element) is used to describe what a part of the page does. Today we looked at <!DOCTYPE html> – this tells the browser that the document is html5 <html></html> – everything in this block is html <head></head> – this is

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1.8’s Presentations

Today 1.8 finished their presentations by presenting them in front of the class. A lot of hard work went into finishing them off within the deadline. Well done to the whole class for putting in so much effort. I am still looking for a good way to show off your presentations and I will post them once I have a solution.

1.3’s Hour of Code

Today the class took part in the world wide hour of code. First year are creating a flappy bird game this week. Here is a selection of their work. Scott Paterson Josh Simmons Skye Russell Ross MacKenzie Natasha Russell Lori Lawson Jordan Blakeway Ross Millar Amber McNab Jamie Steel The pupils also tested the game on their phones.