Blog Logos

I asked the class to create the new logo for the S1 Business ICT  (1.5) blog.  The logo had to have more than just fancy text, I wanted images as well. We used the cooltext web site and powerpoint to create some logos. The logo was saved and inserted into power point Images and the pupils name was added and the presentation saved. The presentation was exported to the

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Welcome Back 1.5

Hi 1.5, welcome back to the Business ICT department. Well since you were last here we have introduced blogs to all our classes and you are no different. In the last rotation we looked at the computing side of Business ICT with searches and hard ware devices. I will try and get some of that work posted up here. I plan to Tag and categorise all of the posts

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Task 3 – What Must I Buy?

Needs and wants. A discussion was had in the class about what we needed and what we wanted and what the difference was. The class had to sort a set of pictures representing different things, into needs, wants and don’t know. We watched a video and the class were allowed to change their minds if the wanted. A class poll was conducted to find the classes needs and wants.

Task 1 – How Do You Feel About Money?

The class was asked to think about how they feel about money. We all undertook a questionnaire and recorded the answers. There were three types of people in the class Risk taker More a spender than a saver Like to play safe We watched a video which helped to explain the three types.

Marking scheme for Task 7

I have changed the marking scheme a little, to give it weighting. Its a bit like “Strictly” I get a vote and you get a vote, we add the votes together and there emerges a class winner. Here is the marking scheme for you to look at. DTP Task 7 Marking Sheet

End of DTP unit

Well, we are coming to the end of the unit and next week we will judge all the newsletters. remember if you need more time, you can use the room at lunchtime.

Logo Winner

The winner of the logo competition was Adam. I liked the use of glow on the text and the inclusion of computers. The school logo was, I thought a nice touch.