We started this last week and you have today to finish it off. You can find instructions for printing here. Make sure you finish off your questions and place all the work and print outs in your folders.
Task 9 – Banking
Banking Video
Exercise 4 – My Interesting Topic
Today the class finished off the animation from last week, before going on to Ex4. Think of a topic which interests you. You must design a Presentation on this topic, which has at least 6 slides. Use the following layout. (a) Apply a Design Template for your presentation. (b) Add suitable graphics to each slide. (c) Make sure your presentation is using Transitions and that each bulleted item enters separately. (d)
Task 7 – What Are Your Spending Habits?
Using the Spending Diary you keyed in what you spend on a regular basis. To find out what you spend money on! We answered these questions in the booklet. How much do you spend on “Social” eg going out with your friends? What is most expensive item you spend money on? Do you think you could cut down on spending at all? If so, on what items could you
Motion Paths
Today we were looking at more custom animation tools. The class were set at task to create an animation using powerpoint, the animation had to make use of motion paths. I showed the class a brief demo and showed them how we could create the file. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.coltnesshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk/departments/CS_BizEdComp/Mr_Stratton/TEMP/MotionPaths.swf” width=”400″ height=”300″ allowfullscreen=”true” /] Here is what we came up with Create a single page powerpoint and save it. Add the
Finance – Staff Wanted Poster
The classes have worked well creating suitable job advert posters for their cafe and revision presentations. I will add a gallery to this post with the work from the classes, as soon as I have the documents from all the classes.
Parents Night
16:00 William B 16:07 Andrew R 16:14 Adam W 16:21 Adam O 16:35 Jason T 16:56 Jack McA 17:03 Jamie T 17:10 Callum B 17:17 Naomi F 17:24 Jodi McL 17:31 Austin B 17:38 James C 17:45 Kirsty K 17:52 Lee A
Presentation – Charting
We started off today with some quick questions about previous tasks, please add your answers to the comments. How did you change the colour of the slide background? How you were able to insert a graphic into a slide? What are Transitions? Give the names of 3 types of Transitions which you know of. How do you insert a new slide into your Presentation? Today’s lesson introduced you to
Task 6
Sorry folks I am out today. Make sure you have finished all the tasks so far before attempting task 6. Using Publisher, create a poster for your café or restaurant, advertising for staff. Make sure you include the pay, hours of work and conditions.
Presentation – Disco Lights
Today I tasked the class with creating a set of working disco lights! They were to create a powerpoint presentation to help out in the school’s theater, which only has white lights but does have a multimedia projector. They were to create a single slide presentation that made use of coloured shapes and animation effects. The class Created the shapes on a black background slide (the black shows up the lights
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