Adding a table in Wikispaces

Tables are very good for laying out information and even entire pages. In today’s lesson we had to create a table to store the basic page layout. Go to the page you want to add the table to, and click edit Click on the table icon and change it too 3 columns and 2 rows Click on the first cell, the click the table properties icon when it appears

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Tables in Dreamweaver

The class created a template for use in dream weaver, it will allow them to lay out all their pages the same way. Dreamweaver Tables also allow you to layout webpages in a more structured manor.

Introduction to animation

Welcome back 1.5! We are going to be using Styks for the next few weeks, this free piece of software allows you to create animations using stick figures.

Welcome 1.3

We have been joined by 1.3 and they will be learning powerpoint skills over the next few weeks. We started with the disco lights task. Which introduced the class to custom animation and sequencing.


2.2 are going to be doing something different for the term. The class are going to perform the same tasks as the other classes but are going to use wiki spaces to create the Olympic site (The site is only able to be accessed by the class at the moment). Each person in the class is going to work either individually or as part of a small team, to create a

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Web Page Creation Unit

the “Web Page Creation” unit includes page creation adding text adding graphics formatting pages creating internal links creating external links setting up a site TCH 3-08a/3-04a/3-03A

Webpage Development

I have chosen to use Dreamweaver CS3 this term, this is a departure from my normal open source tool set, we have Adobe CS3 Web Premium in school and it seems a shame not to use it. The class will be creating a web site on the 2012 London Olympics as part of the course. This site will grow from week to week and when finished will be hosted

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