Seasonal Animations

The classes will be creating a seasonal animation this week. This is a new task for this year to will lead on to our animation unit. Instructions are contained in the video. Pupils will export the animation and embed it into their blogs when finished.

Welcome Back

Welcome back 2.5! This year we will have three units. Mickey Magic – an “Admin” based course that focuses on the use of GPPs Web Page Creation – a “Computing” based course that focuses on creating and using websites Money Matters – an “Economics” based course that focuses on personal finanace

Parents Night

16:00 William B 16:07 Andrew R 16:14 Adam W 16:21 Adam O 16:35 Jason T 16:56 Jack McA 17:03 Jamie T 17:10 Callum B 17:17 Naomi F 17:24 Jodi McL 17:31 Austin B 17:38 James C 17:45 Kirsty K 17:52 Lee A

Logo Winner

The winner of the logo competition was Adam. I liked the use of glow on the text and the inclusion of computers. The school logo was, I thought a nice touch.