Presentation to the class

Presentation to the class

We are just about to finish up with the presentation unit. Our last task is to create a presentation that we will deliver to the whole task. Your presenation will be on one of the following topics; World Cup, Social Media, or Wishaw. The rest is up to you.

1.8’s Presentations

Today 1.8 finished their presentations by presenting them in front of the class. A lot of hard work went into finishing them off within the deadline. Well done to the whole class for putting in so much effort. I am still looking for a good way to show off your presentations and I will post them once I have a solution.

1.3’s Hour of Code

Today the class took part in the world wide hour of code. First year are creating a flappy bird game this week. Here is a selection of their work. Scott Paterson Josh Simmons Skye Russell Ross MacKenzie Natasha Russell Lori Lawson Jordan Blakeway Ross Millar Amber McNab Jamie Steel The pupils also tested the game on their phones.

1.8 Charting

Today the class finished off the I’m a celebrity get me out of here chart. The class voted on people they though could win and turned the results into a chart, using powerpoint.

S1 Charting (1.3)

The class took a vote on who was to win “I’m a celebrity get me out of here”. The then created a chart of the results inside power point before printing the finished graph. Here is their work.

S1 Fireworks

First of all let me apologise for not updating this sooner, I stopped using it when I found out that Glow was changing. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] Right today in class we started making a fireworks display using PowerPoint. I have created a little video that let you see how to do it.

Powerpoint Assessment Task

So today we made use of the new Glow learn area and started to create the assessment presentation. I have set this as work due for two weeks, judging by how quickly some of you are getting to grips with the task, we might wrap it up earlier.