

The department has relaunched our BGE subject blogs. We have combined the old blogs to allow a better transition between S1 & S2 and also to showcase the pupils work.  

Parents Night

I will be in Maths 4 or Maths 5 during parents night. Looking forward to meeting you on the 28th of May. Mr. Stratton

Videos in posts

Just a quick note that if you can’t see the videos in the post you might need to open the blog in Internet Explorer and view the unsecured content.

Catch and Tidy up

Today we spend the period catching up on any paperwork we have missed. So pupils were finishing off any incomplete tasks and answering questions in their workbook.

A look to the future

We will be starting this topic just before Easter. I thought I might give you a taste of it. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/-E-0PNDcfh4″ width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] I have also been creating a Glow Learn area with the material for the course.

Wow, where has the time gone?

I never managed to make a start at this at the start of the year and to be honest the weeks have flown in. I will be changing a few things on the page over the next week or so, please check back often to find new content and ideas. Leave comments and I will get back to you.

S1 Parent’s Night

Welcome to our blog, it contains a record of what the class has been up to this year. We try to use free and open source software as much as possible in the course, so please check out the links at the side and feel free to try out the activities yourself.

S1 Olympic Trip – Task

The Olympics takes place this summer in London. You have managed to secure tickets for the final of the event you created the Styks animation for! You are going to plan the trip for this task. The Olympics is a once in a lifetime event, so money is no object for this task. You will need to create a powerpoint with the following sections Introduction page with a title, your photo

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Welcome Back 1.5

Hi 1.5, welcome back to the Business ICT department. Well since you were last here we have introduced blogs to all our classes and you are no different. In the last rotation we looked at the computing side of Business ICT with searches and hard ware devices. I will try and get some of that work posted up here. I plan to Tag and categorise all of the posts

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