
Today we will create an avatar. The site we are using is face your manga. Avatars are a digital representation of yourself. The avatar we are going to create is for use in Glow, so it needs to be suitable for use by children from age 5 upwards. Once you create your avatar you need to save it from the site. We can use print screen and IrfanView to

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Well after two lessons we are up and running with ePortfolios in the class room. There is still a lot to do but we have everything we need set up and working.

S1 Olympic Trip – Task

The Olympics takes place this summer in London. You have managed to secure tickets for the final of the event you created the Styks animation for! You are going to plan the trip for this task. The Olympics is a once in a lifetime event, so money is no object for this task. You will need to create a powerpoint with the following sections Introduction page with a title, your photo

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