Task 7 – What Are Your Spending Habits?

Using the Spending Diary you keyed in what you spend on a regular basis. To find out what you spend money on! We answered these questions in the booklet. How much do you spend on “Social” eg going out with your friends? What is most expensive item you spend money on? Do you think you could cut down on spending at all? If so, on what items could you

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Finance – Staff Wanted Poster

The classes have worked well creating suitable job advert posters for their cafe and revision presentations. I will add a gallery to this post with the work from the classes, as soon as I have the documents from all the classes.

Task 6

Sorry folks I am out today. Make sure you have finished all the tasks so far before attempting task 6. Using Publisher, create a poster for your café or restaurant, advertising for staff. Make sure you include the pay, hours of work and conditions.

Task 3 – What Must I Buy?

Needs and wants. A discussion was had in the class about what we needed and what we wanted and what the difference was. The class had to sort a set of pictures representing different things, into needs, wants and don’t know. We watched a video and the class were allowed to change their minds if the wanted. A class poll was conducted to find the classes needs and wants.

Task 1 – How Do You Feel About Money?

The class was asked to think about how they feel about money. We all undertook a questionnaire and recorded the answers. There were three types of people in the class Risk taker More a spender than a saver Like to play safe We watched a video which helped to explain the three types.