Finance Period 1 – Attitudes to money

Today’s class explored our attitudes to money. We watched two videos and completed a questionnaire, sometimes people have a different attitude to money than you may expect. Progress in this unit will be recorded in the class work book.

A look to the future

We will be starting this topic just before Easter. I thought I might give you a taste of it. [kml_flashembed movie=”″ width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] I have also been creating a Glow Learn area with the material for the course.

Opening your e-Portfolio

There are two ways to get to your e-Portfolio Log into Glow and open the Glow group containing your e-Portfolio. Bookmark your e-Portfolio and then open it directly in future.


Well after two lessons we are up and running with ePortfolios in the class room. There is still a lot to do but we have everything we need set up and working.

Task 7

It’s Competition Time – you are now to prepare a 2-page newsletter. Your newsletter will contain the following items: a title a price your logo from Task 4 with an Advert 3 news items – current or fictional 1 TV review 1 Film review 1 Music review 1 Sports review and 3 other items which you may find relevant eg Lottery numbers, Jokes, etc When you have completed your newsletter,

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Wow, where has the time gone?

I never managed to make a start at this at the start of the year and to be honest the weeks have flown in. I will be changing a few things on the page over the next week or so, please check back often to find new content and ideas. Leave comments and I will get back to you.