Creating a new e-Portfolio post

It’s important to regularly update your e-Portfolio, it would be easy to leave it for a while and forget what you had achieved and how you had got there. Creating a post is very easy –

  • Open your e-Portfolio
  • Go to site admin
  • Add a new post
  • Enter a title for the post, keep it short but descriptive.
  • Enter your text for the post, use formatting and check the spelling
  • Add graphics, this might be your work or a photo taken of yourself doing the task.
  • Save your draft then preview the page.
  • Edit the page as required and when you are happy with it Publish it.


  • Only post information you want others to read!
  • You are responsible for what you post!


  • Would you be happy to read this in the future?
  • Do I need to post this?

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