Presentation – Charting

We started off today with some quick questions about previous tasks, please add your answers to the comments.

  1. How did you change the colour of the slide background?
  2. How you were able to insert a graphic into a slide?
  3. What are Transitions?
  4. Give the names of 3 types of Transitions which you know of.
  5. How do you insert a new slide into your Presentation?

Today’s lesson introduced you to charting within PowerPoint.

We had an electronic vote in the class to find out which soaps and quiz shows you liked. We used the steps below to insert a chart.

East Enders 13
Coronation Street 8
Emmerdale 6
Hollyoaks 10
River City 6
Deal or no deal 14
Millionaire 8
The weakest link 7
Mastermind 1
The price is right 3

To draw a chart in PowerPoint.

  1. On the Insert menu, click Chart.
  2. To replace the sample data, click a cell on the datasheet (A table included with a chart that provides sample information showing where to type your own row and column labels and data.), and then type the information you want.
  3. To return to the slide, click outside the chart.

At the end we used your Skills Checklist, to record how you are doing with this unit of work.

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