Tag Archives: reasons to learn a language

Eight Reasons Why You Should Really Learn a Language | Alexia Cowley

Originally published on the:
22 January 2016

So you have always had the intention to learn a foreign language but never quite got around to doing it? Well, you know what they say; it is never too late to start something new! Here are 8 impressive reasons as to why mastering a foreign language really would change your life…

1. Cognitive benefits

Our brain is like a muscle. In order to strengthen it, we need to exercise it. Learning a foreign language is an excellent mental exercise, because it allows us to think in a different way. Through learning a language, you learn new vocabulary and new grammatical structures. This in turn has been shown to greatly improve problem-solving skills, decision-making skills and overall memory. So if you want a sharper than Inception memory, learning a language is the way to go!

2. Social benefits

Learning a language reaps many rewards socially. If you sign up to a language course, you will integrate with like-minded people who have the same interest as you i.e. a shared passion for a foreign language. This environment is the perfect place to practice and show off your fancy new lingo skills with your new social circle. Over time, speaking in a different language not only enhances your communication skills but it also boosts your confidence. Amazing!

3. Experience a new culture

Any language you decide to learn automatically gives you access to its culture and history. For example, I am a speaker of German, and I have learnt all about Germany’s traditional Weihnachtsmärkte (Christmas markets). The best- and arguably most appealing- aspect of a language is learning about the food & drink culture. If you go abroad, use your practiced-to-death menu knowledge, so that you can order confidently and sophisticatedly. If you are going to Spain, order some Paella and Sangria. If you are going to Germany, order Currywurst and Glühwein. Whichever country in the world you decide to go to, try out the country’s signature dishes and beverages, in true traditional fashion.

4. Career Prospects

Many of us are perpetually asked by relatives, friends, even strangers “…and what do you want to do after uni?”, to which we often reply “I’m not sure yet!” and swiftly divert the topic. You will be glad to hear that speaking another language is hugely valued in all fields of work. This is a highly valued asset to any employer, particularly international companies. Knowing another language opens up many doors – including doors abroad!

Continue reading… Eight Reasons Why You Should Really Learn a Language | Alexia Cowley.