Tag Archives: Learning a language

Top tips from experts to learn a language quickly

Tricks of Tongue

Top tips from experts to learn a language quickly

  • Take risks and speak the language whenever you can.
  • Read children’s books and comic books in the foreign language.
  • Consume foreign language media.
  • Immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Make use of free foreign language podcasts and apps.
  • Don’t practice in isolation; get feedback from native speakers.
  • Don’t worry about making mistakes.

If you want to see the whole article from the BBC, go to http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20150302-secrets-to-learning-a-language

But to START TAKINGS RISKS, go to a version of the article written in Spanish: to http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/03/150309_vert_cap_aprender_idioma_rapido_yv 

Benefits of biligualism – Part II

Here comes, the second part of last entry’s podcast. It may be interesting to listen to that as well. You can do it from here, or directly from the BBC website.


[CNHS does not own the image or the audio file contained in this entry. The later has been downloaded from the BBC webpage and it is shared here for educational purposes]

Eight Tips For Improving Your Vocabulary

[This is an articule extracted copied from another webpage. To read the whole article and get into more detail about the tips, go to the original article here ]

Words. We all need them. However fancy your grammar may be, without words you can’t communicate. […] The trouble is, there are a lot of words to learn. Here are eight things to keep in mind on your quest for a larger vocabulary.

1) Love dialogues

2) Find text with audio recordings

3) Don’t expect to remember things first time

4) Don’t let vocabulary escape unrecorded

5) Learn that vocabulary which is around you

6) Use mnemonic devices

7) Put the language to work

8) Learn the script!

To read the whole article and get into more detail about the tips, go to the original article here 

Introduction to Italian – Università per Stranieri di Siena (UniStraSi)

Why not having a look at this online free course by the Future Learn website, to introduce oneself to some basic Italian?

If you know any Spanish at all (and all Cardinal Newman students know even a bit, don´t let yourself be underestimated) this shouldn´t be very challenging.

Quite on the contrary, it is a great opportunity to open your knowledge of languages a bit more! And remember it is an adding skill, learners always build on top of what they know, so the more they learn, the easier it will be to learn more!

Source: Introduction to Italian – Università per Stranieri di Siena (UniStraSi)


Sometimes the students find themselves in the position of wanting to practice their Spanish or even getting started in a simple and accessible way, but they don’t know how to do it.

Here there is a very interesting webpage that allows the students to work on their Spanish in a fun way. They can access either from a computer or their mobile phones, but the mobile app is very good, so there it is: practice and have fun at the same time!

Duolingo website


Garfield en español

Reading books and comics in the language one is learning, in addition to listening to music or the radio, helps an awful lot to increase one´s language skills.

Here you can see one simple example. Why not read a bit of Garfield everyday? Never mind if it seems a little thing, the key is to do it regularly.


For reading more, click here.


Language Assistants

For those pupils who like travelling and learning new things and about new cultures, here there is an extraordinary opportunity to consider for later on, when studying further education.

girl_teaching_in_class_630x354A Language Assistant is someone who goes to another country and helps some school(s) to teach English and its culture. This is a fantastic context to improve the foreign language skills as well as living new experiences in a different cultural environment.

To read more about it from the British Council Webpage, see https://www.britishcouncil.org/language-assistants/become

Also, you may be wondering what would make a pupil eligible? See here:


Here you can see How to apply, so you know for the future…

It certainly is a wonderful experience about teaching and learning not just about language, but about life!

Eight Reasons Why You Should Really Learn a Language | Alexia Cowley

Originally published on the:
22 January 2016

So you have always had the intention to learn a foreign language but never quite got around to doing it? Well, you know what they say; it is never too late to start something new! Here are 8 impressive reasons as to why mastering a foreign language really would change your life…

1. Cognitive benefits

Our brain is like a muscle. In order to strengthen it, we need to exercise it. Learning a foreign language is an excellent mental exercise, because it allows us to think in a different way. Through learning a language, you learn new vocabulary and new grammatical structures. This in turn has been shown to greatly improve problem-solving skills, decision-making skills and overall memory. So if you want a sharper than Inception memory, learning a language is the way to go!

2. Social benefits

Learning a language reaps many rewards socially. If you sign up to a language course, you will integrate with like-minded people who have the same interest as you i.e. a shared passion for a foreign language. This environment is the perfect place to practice and show off your fancy new lingo skills with your new social circle. Over time, speaking in a different language not only enhances your communication skills but it also boosts your confidence. Amazing!

3. Experience a new culture

Any language you decide to learn automatically gives you access to its culture and history. For example, I am a speaker of German, and I have learnt all about Germany’s traditional Weihnachtsmärkte (Christmas markets). The best- and arguably most appealing- aspect of a language is learning about the food & drink culture. If you go abroad, use your practiced-to-death menu knowledge, so that you can order confidently and sophisticatedly. If you are going to Spain, order some Paella and Sangria. If you are going to Germany, order Currywurst and Glühwein. Whichever country in the world you decide to go to, try out the country’s signature dishes and beverages, in true traditional fashion.

4. Career Prospects

Many of us are perpetually asked by relatives, friends, even strangers “…and what do you want to do after uni?”, to which we often reply “I’m not sure yet!” and swiftly divert the topic. You will be glad to hear that speaking another language is hugely valued in all fields of work. This is a highly valued asset to any employer, particularly international companies. Knowing another language opens up many doors – including doors abroad!

Continue reading… Eight Reasons Why You Should Really Learn a Language | Alexia Cowley.

5 techniques to speak any language

Have you ever seen any of the TED Talks?

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 […] and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world. [https://www.ted.com/about/our-organization]

The topics of the videos vary and one may not be interested in many of them. If you wish to know or see more about them, visit the TED website

We leave just now this enthusiastic speaker called Sid Efromovich, who speaks 7 languages and shares here his techniques for learning to speak any language.


  • MAKE MISTAKES – You are afraid to speak in the foreign language because you don´t feel confident in it. But you need to dare to speak and make mistakes!
  • SCRAP THE FOREIGN ALPHABET – escape from your own alphabet, and try to find ways to grasp the foreign language sounds.
  • FIND A STICKLER – Someone who will help you to find the errors and make them right.
  • SOLO CONVERSATIONS – speak to yourself in the foreign language, so you will have to think how to produce different parts of a conversation.
  • BUDDY FORMULA – find a friend or someone who shares the need and interest of practising the target foreign language and practise, practise, practise!