Fiesta del Corpus Christi y la santa cruz

It is with great pleasure that we announce today the date and time of the next Spanish fiesta. It will be based on the celebation of Corpus Christi and the Holy Cross – and particularly in the Cruces de mayo, typical from Spain.

Moreover, this is a special fiesta since it is an occasion to remember our dear Canon Glackin, who, sadly, passed away recently. This fiesta has been organised as a tribute for his memory, given that he was always very gladly involved and committed to everything that could be a joyful and enriching experience for the children and young people of our learning comunity.

fiesta cnhs poster

Nutshell guides

Dear students and parents, the National Parent forum of Scotland have released a host of excellent publications and nutshell guides which are very informative in terms of the different qualifications. Here you have it all together NPFS_publications_guide_2015_E

Have a look here If you want to refer exclusively to the Assessment in a nutshell: National Qualifitacions 

Have a look here If you want to refer exclusively to the Curriculum for Excellence: the learner journey 

Have a look here If you want to refer exclusively to the Progression in the senior phase 

Last week of classes for the Senior groups

PANIC! sorry, what we really mean is DON´T PANIC.

Keep studying and carry on going over all the resources you have – both in paper and digitally.

  • your notes
  • the exam practices that you have been doing over the past montshs
  • Scholar
  • other tools such as Edmodo, with all the content that you can find there…
  • Perhaps watching or listening to some Spanish radio / television to sharpen your listening skills

And if you still need of extra help, don´t forget that the teachers are still around to help you out with what you need.

Have a good and useful study leave  S4 and Higher classes!


Eight Tips For Improving Your Vocabulary

[This is an articule extracted copied from another webpage. To read the whole article and get into more detail about the tips, go to the original article here ]

Words. We all need them. However fancy your grammar may be, without words you can’t communicate. […] The trouble is, there are a lot of words to learn. Here are eight things to keep in mind on your quest for a larger vocabulary.

1) Love dialogues

2) Find text with audio recordings

3) Don’t expect to remember things first time

4) Don’t let vocabulary escape unrecorded

5) Learn that vocabulary which is around you

6) Use mnemonic devices

7) Put the language to work

8) Learn the script!

To read the whole article and get into more detail about the tips, go to the original article here 

XCHANGE SCOTLAND and volunteering

The Spring break is here (yay!) and the summer holidays  are approaching rather quickly (yaaaay!), so you may be considering to do something during your holidays, but you are bored of doing always the same thing. Maybe you want do something useful for others and enriching for yourself at the same time? Develop some skills and meet people you would not meet otherwise? Or even just have fun in a different way, why not?

Well, so you have another option to consider for yourself!


Xchange Scotland is a charity set up by young people in Scotland (in Glasgow, as a matter of fact) to help others to see the world and develop communities along the way. Their aim is to offer a world of exciting and accessible international opportunities.


They are a part of the Alliance network  and work with NGO’s in the CCIVS (Coordinating Commitee for International Voluteeriing Service), so they can access their connections to organisations within 50 countries around the world.


But you don’t have to necessarily do volunteering abroad. One can opt for Projects in Scotland or collaborate in non-formal educational activities.


To see some most Asked Questions and Answers, you can visit their Q&A section in their own webpage.

Have a look and see if you find something you like or if there is any project, you may click here

Go and work abroad – it could have career benefits you never imagined


Taking the leap can be daunting, but you’ll face challenges and pick up skills that will turn you into a desirable employee.

Read the whole article by The Guardian here, to see all the opinions and comments  from different people that have been as brave as to do that.

OUR EUROPE Competition

“What are the benefits of being European for a young Scottish person?” That was the main topic of this competition set by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) aimed to young students from all around Scotland.

A group of four S3 pupils from Cardinal Newman High School, Holly McIntyre, Louise McCann, Jennifer Wardale and Kelsey Wilson, passed the preliminary phases of this competition, hence getting the opportunity to go to a Day Workshop in Glasgow, on Monday the 14th of March.

Holly, Louise, Jennifer and Kelsey had been working on their idea, storyboard and script for some time, and it was with high excitement that on Monday 14 they attended the Workshop, in the Society M, Renfield st. Only later during the day, they admitted being surprised about the little amount of groups that were finalists with them!
IMG_1642 During the morning, there were some basic introductions by the project coordinator, and a short speech of two young European women from Xchange Scotland, who talked about some exciting opportunities volunteering around Europe. After that, a media professional from Glo Scotland gave the pupils some key advices on filming and editing.


The rest of the day was occupied by the girls with the filming and editing of their short film. It was an enjoyable and challenging experience all together, and the girls themselves confessed at the end of it, that they were pleased about their work, although they struggled a bit and were a bit worried at first about not being able to film and edit everything in time.

It was a stimulating and interesting experience all together, and all four, Holly, Louise, Jennifer and Kelsey are excited about attending the Premiere and Award Ceremony which will take place on Monday the 21st of March. They are looking forward to seeing all the finished films and finding out who the winners are.


Mascletá for the UNESCO

Every year, from the 1st until the 19th of March, there is in Valencia a very famous festival called Fallas, which is a strange tradition of faith and fire, with many characteristic traits such as ninots, cardboard and wooden sculptures, that can be seen in almost every area of the city and that by the end of the fiest will be burnt down; religious processions to Our Lady, la Virgen de la Caridad, by every brotherhood of this festival, and, fireworks, tones of fireworks.

If you find this remotely interesting, don´t hesitate to go to the link below to see a bit more information about these festival. Information about the fallas from the official Tourism webpage of Valencia

Below, the video shows a mascletà that th city threw on the 29th of February of this year, in order to call the UNESCO’s attention, about the possibility of making the Fallas a Cultural and Intangible Cultural Heritage. How important this sound to you? And how noisy!?

About the usual question of: Why doing fireworks during the day instead of night? You should now that they don´t have day fireworks instead of night ones, but in addition to. As we were saying: a crazy festival, but also a very interesting one.

SEET competition

The Cardinal Newman High School group of 4 S3 pupils, Louise McCann, Holly McIntyre, Jennifer Wardale and Kelsey Wilson, which is participating in the SEET competition has passed to the next phase of the Our Europe competition. They will be going to a Day Workshop in the SocietyM (CitizenM Hotel) in Glasgow on Monday the 14th of March. There they will film their short story about Scottish people being European. After that, they will attend to a Showcase and an Award Ceremony on Monday the 21st of March, in the Scottish Parlament, in Edinburgh. Our best wishes to our girls, but they already deserve our congratulations for having arrived so far