Mascletá for the UNESCO

Every year, from the 1st until the 19th of March, there is in Valencia a very famous festival called Fallas, which is a strange tradition of faith and fire, with many characteristic traits such as ninots, cardboard and wooden sculptures, that can be seen in almost every area of the city and that by the end of the fiest will be burnt down; religious processions to Our Lady, la Virgen de la Caridad, by every brotherhood of this festival, and, fireworks, tones of fireworks.

If you find this remotely interesting, don´t hesitate to go to the link below to see a bit more information about these festival. Information about the fallas from the official Tourism webpage of Valencia

Below, the video shows a mascletà that th city threw on the 29th of February of this year, in order to call the UNESCO’s attention, about the possibility of making the Fallas a Cultural and Intangible Cultural Heritage. How important this sound to you? And how noisy!?

About the usual question of: Why doing fireworks during the day instead of night? You should now that they don´t have day fireworks instead of night ones, but in addition to. As we were saying: a crazy festival, but also a very interesting one.

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