R.E. & Observation

As Cardinal Newman High School is a Roman Catholic School, Religious Education and Religious Observance are defining elements and play a very important part in our work.  Every form class is involved in the Religious Education programme, receiving two periods of this subject per week.  In addition, the Liturgical Year is celebrated in all its diversity, with various class, year and school services at appropriate times.  Such activities might include Masses, Retreats, Devotions, visits to religious sites and so on.


The school Chaplain, Father Thomas Wilberforce, is working closely with the Principal Teacher of R.E. who is responsible for the organisation of the subject.  He is very involved in the Religious Education programme, offering pastoral support, advising teachers and pupils, celebrating the sacraments as and when appropriate, acting as a link to the wider community and organising religious events with the support of the extended Religious Education Team and Pastoral Team.


Religious Education and Observance form part of the religious tradition and ethos in a Catholic School and indeed play an important part in the education provided in this school.  In view of the denominational nature of the school, parents do not normally exercise their right to withdraw their children from the Religious Education and Observance programme.


The Religious Education syllabus is determined by the Scottish Bishops’ Conference and developed in conjunction with Motherwell Diocese and the Scottish Education Service. The programme of Religious Education forms an integral part of school life. All pupils cover the “Called to Love” sexual health and relationships materials provided by the Scottish Catholic Education Service.  This serves as a reliable resource for instilling and upholding the dignity and gift of life in young people.

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