Pupil Support Team


Cardinal Newman High School places great importance on influencing and advancing the holistic development (intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual) of all its young people.

All staff contribute to this aim, but none more so than the members of the Pupil Support Team (PST).

They provide the binding which enables all aspects of the child’s development to be addressed and, by working closely with all staff and being supported and led effectively by the school’s management, help in establishing the tone of the whole school.

  1. Each pupil within Cardinal Newman High will know and be known personally and in some depth by at least one member of staff.
  2. Each member of the PST will be involved in the provision for aspects of pupil’s personal and social development, particularly within the context of this Catholic school.
  3. Members of the PST will respond to, and indeed anticipate, specific individual needs.
  4. Members of the PST will ensure clear and effective links with the home and with support agencies.
  5. Members of the PST will communicate effectively information relevant to the pastoral, curricular and vocational needs of individual pupils and maintain accurate records on all pupils.
  6. Members of the PST, in conjunction with Year Group Heads, will monitor the progress of all pupils.


The school operates a ‘Vertical’ system of Pupil Support in which each member takes responsibility for a section of each Year Group from S1 to S6.  This system can see siblings under the guidance of one single member of the PST, while continuing to meet the curricular and vocational needs of S5/6 students more effectively.

Members of the PST undertake many different tasks on behalf of the pupils they are responsible for. These include attending to day-to-day problems, monitoring attendance and timekeeping, supporting pupils through all transitions, completing references for employers or colleges and universities and keeping an overview on pupil performance in class.

They are generally the first point of contact for the pupil’s home and at times may ask parents to visit the school to discuss particular matters.

At the same time, parents are welcome to phone the school either to speak to or make an appointment with the member of the PST.

Pupil Support staff also liaise with partnership agencies who support pupils in school, such as Social Work, Reporter to Children’s Administration, Education Psychologist, School Medical Officer, the Home/School Partnership Officer and our newly appointed Community Learning Development Officer.


Andrew House

Mrs Fagan
Mr McGinley


Columba House

Mrs Gilchrist


Kentigern House

Mrs Hamilton
Ms Sinclair


Margaret House

Mr Devlin


Ninian House

Miss McGinley
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