Our Senior Phase pupils will participate in exciting and interesting workshops to prepare them for the upcoming diet of SQA exams.
Tree of Knowledge_Exam Preparation
Click on the link above to find out more information.
Our Senior Phase pupils will participate in exciting and interesting workshops to prepare them for the upcoming diet of SQA exams.
Tree of Knowledge_Exam Preparation
Click on the link above to find out more information.
This week we have been marking the centenary of The Education (Scotland) Act 1918 when Catholic Schools became state funded and have since gone from strength to strength. Members of our SLT have been attending our local parishes with pupils who have been wearing school uniform with pride while participating in Mass.
Our pupils spoke confidently on the benefit of a Catholic education and all the wonderful community and faith experiences they are involved in.
Representatives from the school also attended the annual Education Mass in Motherwell Cathedral on Wednesday, Bishop Toal celebrated Mass and emphasised the importance of education and teachers.