In their final year at Cardinal Newman High School, pupils have the opportunity to participate in the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Leadership Award.
It encourages and promotes the ongoing faith journey of young people. It recognises that some are already active and committed within their homes, schools, parishes and dioceses and it invites others to respond to God’s Call of Love.
It supports and celebrates the faith witness which young people give within their communities.
The Caritas Award has been established by the Bishops of Scotland as a way of keeping alive the legacy of Pope Benedict’s historic visit to our country in 2010.
Pupils are asked to participate within their own Faith Community and School Community completing 20 hours’ worth of activities in each section.
It involves activities and skills such as: team-work, leadership, written and oral communication and personal reflection.
Activities that pupils can be involved with in their Parishes are altar serving, offertory, music and readings.
School activities can involve organising events over the year, fund-raising and volunteering to help our younger pupils in their subjects.
Pupils can also take the opportunity to be involved in a pilgrimage to Lourdes.
As part of the Caritas Award, pupils follow a curriculum based upon God’s Love and upon putting the words of Pope Benedict into action. They represent the school at a variety of Parish and Diocesan events. The achievement of this award provides public recognition of the faith learning, witness and reflection completed by our S6 pupils throughout their time here in CNHS.
“My dear young Catholics of Scotland…this is the challenge the Lord gives to you today: the Church now belongs to you!”
Pope Benedict XVI, homily at mass, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, 16th September 2010