
Eating & Drinking

School lunches are prepared by our school careering staff.  Every day there are 2 choices, one of which is vegetarian.  Our catering staff work closely with ourselves and parent/carers to meet any dietary  requirements.  We encourage all our pupils to try a school lunch however parents/carers can send in a ready to eat packed lunch for their child if they would prefer.  The school staff do not have kitchen facilities within their classrooms so they are unable to prepare or reheat food from home.  You can access the NLC Lunch menus and subscribe to email alerts via this link – NLC School Lunch Information  

Each class has a healthy morning snack before playtime.  Every class completes an order form to be delivered or   collected.  This provides an excellent opportunity for the pupils to practice their choice making and communication skills.  Many of the classes use this teaching and leaning time to introduce or consolidate social eating skills.

Pupils may have specific safe eating & drinking plans written by their Speech and    Language Therapist.  Staff are kept up to date on any requirements or adjustments that pupils may need and full training is  given by the SaLT and School Nurse.  Staff are experienced in supporting pupils who  received fluids and feeds via PEG feeding tubes.


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