1+2 Language Awards

Harrison Craig from Base 2 received an award for the most enthusiastic language learner in P1-4 on Tuesday, 23rd May. Miss Atkinson and Harrison attended the ceremony which was held at Airdrie FC. We were entertained by 2 school choirs and a ribbon dance! Well done Harrison Base 2 are very proud of you.


Base 2 Purposeful Play Gannet Style!

As part of our IDL theme of the seashore we have been learning about seabirds such as the amazing gannet. During purposeful play we have made 3D models of gannets using card, paper, scissors, glue and felt pens. The children had the choice of play dough, plasticine or lego to make a model and a toy gannet was introduced to the beach role play! At the literacy table we did some research in books on the parts of a gannet and enjoyed sharing any interesting facts. You can ask us anything about gannets now!

Child Pedestrian Training Base 2

You will find Base 2 children out and about in the community learning about road safety as part of the Child Pedestrian Training Scheme. So far we have learned how to check for cars moving in driveways, to cross on a straight part of the road, not diagonally and to move away from parked cars if we can. A big thank you to our lovely parent helpers too.