All posts by Ms Gilligan

Annual Burns Supper 2019

The Burns Celebration was hosted by our wonderful school Captains, Josh McColl and Morgan Clarke.
The Poetry Competition winners were:
First Place: Abby Docherty (S2) ‘Red Red Rose’
Second Place: Abigail Gill (S1) Own composition ‘Magic on the Stars’
Third Place: Aidan Braidwood and Jamie McLelland (S1) ‘Graffiti’

We also heard a witty, pitch-perfect ‘Toast to the Lassies’ from Kyle McHutcheson (S6) and an excellent, sophisticated ‘Reply’ from Hannah McKenzie.

Miss MacCallum’s S1 Drama Club treated us to a fantastic performance of ‘Tam O’Shanter’. Miss Duncan’s S1 Dance Team wowed the audience with their modern Scottish dance. Mia Beckett sang a beautiful ‘Ye Banks and Braes’ and our senior singers led the audience in a rousing ‘Auld Lang Syne’. We were also delighted to be joined by our P7 cluster primaries who gave us an insight into the life of Burns and performed ‘Wee Reid Ridin Hood’, the Scots version of Roald Dahl’s ‘Revolting Rhyme’.

A big thank you to everyone who helped with the event and to the families and friends who came along to support our talented youngsters!

A huge thank you, as always, to our colleagues in Home Economics, PE, Drama and Music for their assistance on the night and rehearsals in the run up to the night. Thank you to all our colleagues for supporting the night!

Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face, great Chieftan o’ the puddin’ race!

Please come along to our wonderful annual Burns Celebration on Wednesday 6th February from 7pm until 9pm. Tickets are on sale from the school office for £1.50. Lots of entertainment including dancing from our S4 pupils, a poetry competition and a performance from our Primary 7 partner primaries.

Annual S1 Panto Trip

Our traditional S1 panto outing to a non-traditional panto took place on Tuesday 18th December. Once again, Mrs Robertson managed the incredible feat of getting 90 S1 pupils safely to Glasgow (and back again, of course!) Mrs Robertson and Mrs Chalmers were most impressed with the impeccable behaviour and the response from the pupils. The Tron Theatre always push boundaries with their modern interpretation of traditional pantos and reflect issues in the world today. It is always so heartening to see our young people so open-minded to and supportive of difference – never lose this!

S3 Writer-in-Residence Waterstones Visit

The CHS Writer-in-Residence group enjoyed a visit to Waterstones Book Shop, Sauchiehall St where they were introduced to new books and had the chance to select a book of their own. Martin Stewart, our writer-in-residence, brought his wife and daughter along to meet the team and they all had a great time checking out books together. A big CHS Merry Christmas to Martin Stewart and his family. Looking forward to more fantastic work with our young writers in 2019!

Senior Prelims -January 2019

Please find details of prelims for National 5 and Higher English candidates in January 2019

S4 National 5 English Paper II: Critical Reading

Thursday 24th Janaury 2019 P1 08.55-09.45am & Friday 25th Janaury 2019 P3 10.50-11.40am

S5/6 National 5 English Paper II: Critical Reading

Thursday 24th January 2019 P3 & 4 10.50am-12.30pm

Higher English Paper II: Critical Reading

Thursday 24th January 2019 P3 & 4 10.50am-12.30pm

This prelim will cover your Scottish Set Text and Critical Essay.

S4/5/6 English Prelims

Well done to all our National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher English candidates for completing their Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation prelim this week. The department is very proud of your conduct and positivity. You tried your best and that’s all anyone can ask.