Category Archives: Uncategorized

Arthur’s Seat 27.2.17

While we were in Edinburgh visiting Parliament we took a lovely walk along the bottom of Arthur’s Seat, however, many of you were unaware that this is what it was called. I would like you to research a little bit about Arthur’s Seat and why it got its name and write me a short paragraph to tell me about it. 20 House Points available for paragraphs with plenty of detail. 🙂


World Book Day 2017

World Book Day is this Thursday March 2nd. Pupils and Teachers should come dressed as their favourite character, primary 6 be ready to tell me all about your character as we will be using this to complete tasks during the day.
Here is a link for parents to give you some ideas of how to share World Book Day with your children.

Primary 6 2016/2017


Primary 6 are delighted to be back and enjoying being one the first class to experience our new Modular Units. We are loving the space and all of our new tables and chairs. We have settled in very well and are already working very hard.

Keep checking in on us and leave us lots of comments throughout the year to let us know what you think about our learning!



The Human Body

Our next topic is all about the Human Body. There are lots of very exciting things to learn and lots of areas of the curriculum that we can extend this learning into. You will find there are lots of really interesting things online and a site that might be of particular interest to you is :

If you look up this site go into the sciences tab and you will find lots of information.

Here is a taster of some of the things that we will learn.

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