Chapelhall Primary 5

November 20, 2013
by Miss Devine

Science Lessons

We were learning about the spread of viruses through coughs and sneezes today. We learned that a virus can live on a surface but doesn’t reproduce until it is in our bodies. We investigated how far a particle from one cough or sneeze could travel, how many bacteria or virus cells could fill one area the size of a full stop and correct hand washing techniques. We plan to share what we have learned with Primary 1.

November 15, 2013
by Miss Devine

Star of the Week

Well done, Garry! It was no surprise that he was our star this week because he worked really hard to stay on task this week and concentrated hard during lessons.

November 11, 2013
by Miss Devine

Homework Task

On Monday, it was the 11th of November, which is Remembrance Day. We wear poppies as a sign of respect for soldiers in any war (not just the ones from many years ago). Your homework this week is quite a grown up task. Can you write me a paragraph of roughly six sentences explaining why YOU think it is important for us to have a Remembrance Assembly in school.

November 7, 2013
by Miss Devine

Cinema Visit

On Tuesday, we went to the Showcase Cinena. Although we were planning to see The Croods, we saw Hotel Transylvania instead. It was really funny and everyone enjoyed themselves. This week, we have been designing posters and writing letters to the PTA to thank them for taking us.

November 4, 2013
by Miss Devine

Haiku Homework

Primary 5 were so good at writing haiku poems, our homework task this week is about them. Can you write a haiku about Bonfire Night? Remember, it doesn’t have to rhyme but it should have 5 syllables, then 7, then 5. Good luck and have fun!

November 1, 2013
by Miss Devine

Two Stars!

What a week! It was too hard to decide on one star, so we had to have two! Ross won because he works hard in every subject area and Arran won because he has lovely manners and has worked hard on his presentation. Well done boys!

October 25, 2013
by Miss Devine

Star of the Week

Lewis was our star this week. Throughout the week he showed respect to others and was helpful to staff in the school. Keep up the great work, Lewis!

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