Higher Chemistry 2020/21

If you’ve been doing the work for Higher Chemistry over the last 4 weeks you’ll have covered 3 topics:

  • The Periodic Table
  • Bonding & Structure
  • Periodic Table Trends

These topics can be found on the Scholar website as part of the first Higher Chemistry Unit, ‘Chemical Changes & Structure’.

If you don’t have your own log-in details you can use:

User Name: ORG1002732  Password: ziw3xej


An easier week this week! All you have to do is complete this Unit 1 Higher Quiz to determine ‘Chemist of the Month’. The quiz is 20 multiple choice questions; 5 from each of the three topics and 5 SQA exam questions.

Anyone who is a bit behind should use this week to catch up can send in their quiz answers at the end of the week. Just e-mail Mr Clark with the 20 letters in the correct order(rclark@cumbernauldac.n-lanark.sch.uk) and he will mark them, return your results individually and post the winner(s) next week.

Looking forward to lots of marking, I’m starting to miss it!

Good Luck,


Mr Clark, Mr Linnen & Mr McCranor



Higher Chemistry 2020/21

If the students who are intending to study Higher Chemistry have engaged with the tasks set over the last three weeks they should have completed the ‘Periodic Table’ and ‘Bonding & Structures’ topics of the first Unit, ‘Chemical Changes & Structure’, from the Scholar website.

Over the next week students should work through the ‘Periodic Table Trends’ topic.

If you’re not up to speed yet, don’t race through the work to catch up. Work through the topics thoroughly rather than quickly, it’s not a race.


We appreciate that you’re getting little teacher input at this stage, so make sure you do the topic tests, take a note of the things you’re getting wrong and contact one of the chemistry teachers by email if you require help.


Mr ClarkMr Linnen and Mr McCranor.

Higher Chemistry 2020/21

Anyone hoping to study Chemistry at Higher Level next year could start to prepare themselves by working through the work available on ‘Scholar’. The first Unit is ‘Chemical Changes & Structure’.

Last week we suggested you work through the section on ‘The Periodic Table’, so if you’ve not started yet, that’s what you could do first.

Once completed you could work through the second section on ‘Bonding & Structure’ over the next couple of weeks.

The topic is broken down into five sections, a summary and a test, so do a small amount at a time. If you are having any difficulties or there’s anything you want explained further, just e-mail one of the chemistry staff; Mr ClarkMr Linnen or Mr McCranor.

Senior Phase Introductory Sessions

This will be of interest to anyone moving into S4, S5 or S6 and thinking about studying a qualification in one of the discrete sciences. In addition to their revision materials, Scholar are offering online introductory video sessions for senior phase subjects including biology, chemistry and physics qualifications.

The timetable for their science sessions is shown below:

You can log in to participate in these session live as a guest by clicking this link but if you miss a session or can’t participate live, they will be posted in the ‘resources’ section of each qualification the following day.

For more information about these sessions and the resources available for each, please visit the Scholar Online Sessions page. 

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